Thursday, March 26, 2009

March 28 & 29 - Friends Forever "Friends stick with you until the end"

Core Scripture: Ruth 1:1-18

Memory Verse:
"This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers." 1 John 3:16 (NIV)

Discussion Questions:
  • Why is it important for us to have friends forever? What real-life examples of this do you know of?
  • How can you develop friendships that stick? What do you need to do in order to do this?
  • What kind of friends are the kind that stick with you no matter what? Describe their qualities.
  • Do you think your closest friends would describe you as a friend that sticks with them? Why or why not?
  • Describe a time when a friend of yours stuck with you. What did/does that mean to you?
Bottom Line:
  • While our friendships may take different forms and may be more intimate and closer at some times than others, if we vow to stick with our friends till the end, we really can be friends forever.
  • Friendships do not have to end. But if a friendship is to survive change, both friends must be committed to making the friendship stick. This is the way friends stick with you till the end. Just imagine how much fuller these kinds of friends will make our lives! And the truth is that learning stickiness in our friendships will help us learn to stick to Christ in our relationship with Him.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

March 21st & 22nd - "Over My Head"

Friends don't let friends get in over their hands!

Core Scriptures: 2 Samuel 12:1-14

Memory Verse:
"Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ." Ephesians 4:15 (NIV)

Discussion Questions:
  • Explain a situation when you had to confront a friend about something in their life (without using names). DId you feel like you needed to confront them because they were going to get hurt? Or did you just want to be the one to tell them they were wrong? What happened as a result?
  • What are some examples of reasons it would be necessary to confront a friend about something that could lead to their harm? What would be the best way to handle the confrontation? How would you do it?
  • If you were stepping into something over your head, that could hurt you, would you want one of your friends to say something to you about it? Why or why not? How do you thing you would react?
  • Share an example of a time when a friend confronted you about something. What happened as a result? How did you feel about that friend afterward?
Bottom Line:
  • Nathan acted as a true friend to David by putting himself on the line to tell David that he was in too deep. The prophet didn't let the king get in over his head.
  • Confrontation is no fun, but there comes a time when we need to be courageous and tell a friend that he or she is doing something dangerous, risky, or just plain stupid. Friends don't let friends get in over their heads.
  • We must remember that this is reciprocal. Just as we have to be willing to speak to our friends, we must also be willing to hear our friends when they see us getting in over our heads.
  • Confrontation is difficult, but it is one of the traits that will take our friendship to the next level. Imagine what our lives will be like if we have these kinds of friends and we ARE these kinds of friends.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

March 14th & 15th - Stand By Me

Friends stand by each other even when it's hard.

Core Scripture: Matthew 26:36-46

Memory Verse:
"Friends come and friends go, but a true friend sticks by you like family."
Proverbs 18:24 (MSG)

Discussion Questions:
  • Have you ever faced a situation where a friend really needed you and you "fell asleep at the wheel"? Explain what happened. How did you feel afterwards? What could you have done differently?
  • Have you ever been the friend who needed someone to stand by you and nobody did? How did that make you feel? Has someone ever been there for you in a tough time? What did that mean to you?
  • When do you need to stand by your friends? What are some specific ways you can do this? Is there ever a time when you shouldn't stand by a friend? Describe what kind of situation that would be.
  • How do you "sleep in" with God? How can you stand by Him instead of "sleeping in"?
Bottom Line:
  • Like all of us, Jesus wanted His friends to be with Him and to help Him get through this difficult experience. But Jesus found His closest friends had not joined Him in His time of difficulty. Instead, they were bystanders, when they should have been standing by Him.
  • While "sleeping in" is fine, sometimes we will have to "get up early" to be involved in our friends' lives. This is what friends do.
  • Jumping in can be a scary experience. But if we are going to be good friends, we must be willing to "jump in". We have to be committed to our friends in difficult times as much as in good times. Imagine what your life would be like if you had these kind of friendships. Think about how much comfort and joy you would experience knowing that you didn't have to go through anything alone.