Sunday, May 17, 2009

May 16th & 17th

Subject: Generosity: Generosity is giving no matter what you’re getting

Core Scriptures: Genesis 40:1 – 41:46
Memory Verse: 2 Corinthians 9:7 (NIV) “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
Discussion Questions:

• Did Joseph ask for anything in return for what he gave? Why or why not? Did Joseph ultimately get anything in return for what he gave? If so, what?

• What are some specific ways that we can show generosity in our lives? What is at least one way you can be generous in the next 24 hours?

• How do our heart motives affect whether we are generous or not?

• How does our motivation affect our generosity? When should we ask for something in return for what we give? When should we not ask for something in return?

• How does it make you feel when someone gives to you with “strings attached”? Do you ever find yourself doing that to others? How do you think it makes them feel?

Bottom Line:

• If generosity means giving no matter what you’re getting, then a person with the successory of generosity should be quick to fill a need when he or she sees it.
• We have opportunities to give around us everywhere. Generosity isn’t a successory we add to our lives later – it’s something that we can add to our lives right now. Generosity is giving no matter what you’re getting. When we give help in whatever form, we join God in remaking and redeeming the world. This is the kind of world we dream about living in.

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